

P.S. 以下例子都已经过文书当事人的同意,内容均已去除涉及个人隐私的信息,请大家放心食用ლ(´ڡ`ლ)



Luckily, I met a senior who is graduated from the UCL and we had a very enjoyable talk. She shared a lot of personal experience of learning chemistry. After this meeting, I returned home, recalled her advice and thought over the matter more carefully and roundly. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my interests in chemical properties and origin of life would best be explored in a double major of biology and chemistry.


My enthusiasm for anthropology and academic research was initiated when I was in high school, and it keeps increasing throughout my undergraduate and graduate studies. My career goal is to pursue anthropological research where I’m able to contribute my lifelong passion and energy. For this reason, I’m applying to the doctoral program in anthropology at Queensland University to gain the comprehensive academic training needed for an anthropology profession.
在这个例子中,突出自己是在「何时」对人类学产生兴趣的这个point很好。 但是除了说明时间之外,对人类学产生兴趣的「原因」更重要!上一个例子是太啰嗦,这个例子就是太过简单了!只有清晰地阐明申请动机,才能让招生官对你有印象并产生兴趣——每个申请”人类学“专业的学生都是出于对这门学科的兴趣,可为什么偏偏是你能被录取呢?此外,在本段例子中提到了自己的”职业目标“,但却没有深入展开,实在是太浪费了;而另一方面,从撰写一篇完整PS的结构来看,在第一段就cue”职业发展“有点为时过早。


Why should I apply to UCL? The first reason is the research topic that attracts me. Then it is located in central London. This great location possesses multi-culture and easy access to the advanced London health service. And I can have more chance to study in the hospitals - UCL offers the study opportunity of clinical services at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the Royal Free Hospital.


To date, my leading internships were in real estate at XXX Real Estate company, wherein I learned about real estate investment development and financial investment mergers and acquisitions; other prominent internships were at XXX Bank and XXX Security Service Company. I learned that investment in any market entails exploring the company’s history, product status, financial and legal affairs, profitability, risk resistance, development prospects, industry prospects, and economic policy environment. I found all of this quite intriguing, furthering my resolve to pursue this subject area.


Furthermore, I am sure to be an asset to your programme and, thus, the institute. My 7-year US education and extensive internship experience have provided me with a strong academic foundation and global vision, equipping me with unique insights into various sectors of the business world—all of which will serve as vivid examples in class discussion and projects.
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